Ps1 memory card slots not working | ASSEMbler - Home of ... I am trying too fix a ps1 5502 serie system At first the controller port wasnt working. Now i fixed that, by removing fuse ps605, and replaced it with a resistor. Booted it up, and the controllers where working, except the memory cards slots. Tested the menory card on a different system, and ita working, so i know thats not the problem. PS2 Games That Corrupt Memory Cards - Games Discussion ... PS2 Games That Corrupt Memory Cards ... My memory card slot 1 is slightly loose. So there are times the system can't detect it. ... I have an original PS1 memory card and 2 original day one PS2 ... Does the PS3 have memory card slots for ps1 and 2?
How to Save to Memory Cards With a PSX Emulator | It Still Works
im not sure what smackdown 2 is but i know you need a ps1 memory card to play ps1 games on a ps2 and on a ps3 you dont need anything because it will just save on the ... PS2 memory card issues - I'd say the MadCatz PS2 memory card altered the memory card socket just slightly as MadCatz PS1 cards did to mine. Try putting the Sony PS2 card in slot 2 and seeing if you ever have any problems having it come up in the browser. PS1 memory card for PS2? -
Is there a way to put the PS1 Games memory ... How To Save PS1 Games On PS3 ? (No memory card?) ... Assign it to "Slot 2" (since the ps2 internal memory ...
So I tried another memory card, again non official with a different game and it's doing the same thing. Am I doing something wrong? My PS2 is a black PAL slimline.The real problem is that SONY removed the 8v pin from the memory card slot connector which on 7500x or newer is left unconnected. Memory Card PS one/PS2 | Форум Вставляю Memory Card под Зыч первый в свою Зыч 2, и не работает! Это карта глюканутая или я гоню? Игры ее видят, но записывают с ошибками, а биос вооще ничего видеть не хочет. Помогите пожалуйста!
How to Delete Data off Your PS2 Memory Card. The PS2 gaming console is a very popular device with tons of games. If you're not careful, the memory card can fill up quickly, so learning how to delete data is essential for gamers. Eject and...
PS1 memory card does not work in PS2 | Forum An original PS2 memory card is 8MB which is 8192KB (some later ones are 16MB). PS 2 game saves usually take up about twice the Total space of a PS1Always use SONY brand memory cards for your PS1 and PS2! Also you can only save PS1 games on the PS1 memory cards (and you need that PS1 memory... 128 MB Memory Card , Game memory card for Sony PS2 Does not work with my PS2. Won't fit into slot. Do not order.Memory card doesn't fit into PS2. Average rating:1out of5stars, based on0reviews. Does not work with my PS 2.
Do you need a memory card to play games on the PS1?
How to use the Memory Card Adaptor for the PlayStation 3 Plug the Memory Card Adaptor into one of the USB slots on the PlayStation 3 system. Insert a Memory Card (8MB) (for PlayStation 2) or PlayStation Memory Card into the Memory Card Adaptor. Go to the Game icon on the PlayStation 3 Home Menu. Scroll down to the menu option that's called [Memory Card Can PlayStation games be saved to a PlayStation 2 memory card? …
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